Cook Islands National Museum i Avarua District

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Constitution Avenue, Avarua District, Ngatipa Tapere, CK Cook Islands
Kontakter telefon: +682 20 725
Latitude: -21.2067661, Longitude: -159.7697389
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Kommentar 5

  • Peter Kinley

    Peter Kinley


    Cool little museum with a good collection of artifacts from the Cook Islands and neighbouring countries. I learned about the history of the country and its people, and have more of an understanding of where they fit in the world. There is a little art gallery down the back too. The staff are lovely.

  • Riccardo Bianchi

    Riccardo Bianchi


    Very interesting

  • Hassan Ahmad

    Hassan Ahmad


    Cook Islands

  • Theodore Galanis

    Theodore Galanis


    Worth a visit to understand the locals better.

  • Luke Underwood

    Luke Underwood


    Really interesting museum. Has the full history of the Cook islands, from pre colonisation times right up until the present day. Also very unique wood artifacts and carvings.

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