Cook Islands Wildlife Centre i Avarua District

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Avarua District, Cook Islands
Kontakter telefon: +682 21 666
Latitude: -21.2067229, Longitude: -159.791674
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Kommentar 4

  • Keith Eades

    Keith Eades


    Situated on the Back Road of town, it was worth going too. It was near lunchtime when we arrived, so we tried their toasted sandwiches and a nice cold drink before entering. We were pleasantly surprised with the amount on display. There were sections on Nan Hauser, who is a Whale Biologist and Principal Investigator of the Cook Islands Whale research project, Whale Conservation, Whale Hunting. I enjoyed reading about the pioneering work Jacques Cousteau undertook with his work in creating the SCUBA. There are also items that have been brought up for the various shipwrecks that have perished over time including the visible SS Maitai which sits on a sandbank in the lagoon opposite town. There are displays on the different species sharks, whales, of course, shellfish, and turtles. For those that are brave enough there is a tank to touch some of the local sea creatures. We spent ages in there and did not read everything. A must do !!!! I'll be back on next trip!

  • Natallia Y

    Natallia Y


    Small but informative with a number of interactive displays (physical ). Nice cafe on site.

  • Matty G

    Matty G


    The café attendant was extremely rude and bossy. I placed 2 clean nappies I had accidentally ripped in her bin and she lost the plot, started yelling was very abrupt and bossy. If only she possessed simple manners and customer service skills. Everywhere else in Rarotonga was pleasant and polite. The building and car park were also very run down. A definite sour experience. If you want people to spend money at your establishment, learn to speak nicely to people.

  • Alan Coe

    Alan Coe


    Great place where kids are allowed to touch and explore. Small but packed with things to see and hands-on activities.

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