Cook Islands Museum of Cultural Enterprise - Te Ara i Ngatangiia District

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Ngatangiia District, Islas Cook
Kontakter telefon: +682 27 641
Latitude: -21.259207, Longitude: -159.7337247
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Kommentar 5

  • Trevor Robertson

    Trevor Robertson


    Make sure you include a trip to the museum in your plans while on Rarotonga! The museum is inconspicuous from the outside, but it's a gem on the inside, with actually quite a lot to see and the exhibits are nicely presented. It's a great way to learn about the history and people of the Cook Islands. And chatting with the on site guide, Stan, was a major highlight, we learned so much! As a bonus you can enjoy great coffee, snacks or a sandwich before and/or after at the attached cafe.

  • Char Waiomio

    Char Waiomio


    Devine freshly cooked food. Caters for Vegans. Coffee is to die for. Biodegradable plates, bowls etc. Filtered water station. Encourages recycling ANZ atm outside the door. Powerpoints outside to recharge your mobile devices. Lots of local art for sale. Highly recommend to stop here, for food, culture, local knowledge. Staff are great.

  • 🕈☜💧❄☜☼ 👌✌☼😐☜✡

    🕈☜💧❄☜☼ 👌✌☼😐☜✡


    Home Made lemonade with Cocos Muffins are wonderful #best

  • Derek Small

    Derek Small


    Wonderful modern museum of Cook Island history and promoter of local Cook Island artisans. Great friendly staff, awesome affordable food and wonderful displays. Will be a growing treasure for the islands.

  • Franky O'Connor

    Franky O'Connor


    A simple but effective set of displays and so much great information. We learnt heaps about the history and culture of the Cook Islands. Also some marine tanks highlighting some interesting facts about local marine life and the coral reef. Plus a great shop, cafe and facilities (including a free water station and free wifi).

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