Vaima Restaurant and Bar i Takitumu District

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Ara Tapu, Takitumu District, CK Cookinseln
Kontakter telefon: +682 26 123
Latitude: -21.2637306, Longitude: -159.7932888
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Kommentar 5

  • Sue Moorhouse

    Sue Moorhouse


    Very welcoming with outstanding food, we were picked up & dropped off nothing was to much trouble, 10 out of 10 highly recommended 🥂

  • Peter Andrews

    Peter Andrews


    Fantastic location, top service and excellent food. We've lived in Rarotonga for 2 years and it's taken us that long to get in the door. Why did we leave it so long? Vaima lived up to it's great reputation. Prices are above average but $150 for 3 adults / 2 courses and non alcoholic drinks is hardly over the top. Highly recommended and we will be back. Thank you.

  • Rod Topperwien

    Rod Topperwien


    Beautiful setting - especially on a lovely warm day/evening. Choice of inside, outside or beachside tables. Food was delightful. Hint, if you are ordering curry go one step hotter than your normal. Great service, friendly atmosphere. Live entertainment was very pleasant. Happy to return again. Give it a try.

  • Michelle A

    Michelle A


    Great food & service. Loved the fish dishes and cocktails. On beach or inside tables. Got a ride back to accommodation but think they prefer pick up and drop off and charge. We weren't charged. Will go back if time.

  • Gareth Lowndes

    Gareth Lowndes


    Great location right by the beach. You can sit right on the beach and enjoy your meal and a drink. The staff are very friendly and helpful. Parking for bikes is to the right and parking for cars is across the road at the local store. Would highly recommend this restaurant to anyone looking for a quite out of the way spot to enjoy a meal or even just a couple of drinks.

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