Vaima Restaurant & Bar i Takitimu

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Takitimu, Cook Islands
Kontakter telefon: +682 26 123
Latitude: -21.2640587, Longitude: -159.7933061
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Kommentar 5

  • Sarah Young

    Sarah Young


    We dined here on the 25th March! Amazing service amazing food and the talented live musician was perfectly suited to the atmosphere.

  • Vassil Mollov

    Vassil Mollov


    Its beautiful.... having a meal right on the beach. The food is tastefully prepared and fresh. Service pretty good!

  • Christopher O'Brien

    Christopher O'Brien


    Great food with a great view. Reservations are required to get one of their beachfront tables. Well worth waiting for one of these to be available. And the pork belly is heavenly. Bartenders are good at making really fun island themed drinks.

  • Gilbert Webster

    Gilbert Webster


    The food is well presented and very tasty. The chocolate cake is the best, I would rate it better than what I have had in Brisbane. The beach view is great minor issue with mozzies but they are controlled with coils.

  • Frances Wharry

    Frances Wharry


    Food and view to enjoy. We've visited here both times in Rarotonga and haven't been disappointed either time. Food is exceptional and if you like something sweet but can't make up your mind - I'd recommend the trio of brulees......maybe have the tropical salad beforehand and you won't feel so guilty. Situated right on the beach overlooking the lagoon it is a great place to dine.

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