Tumunu Bar and Restaurant i Arorangi District

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Ara Tapu, Arorangi District, CK Cook Islands
Kontakter telefon: +682 20 501
Latitude: -21.2181241, Longitude: -159.8288215
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Kommentar 5

  • Anton Hughes

    Anton Hughes


    We came across this awesome little bar and restaurant by mistake. It really is quirky, fun and great quality food. Why this place isn't full every night is a mystery to all. A MUST VISIT when in Rarotonga.

  • liz knight

    liz knight


    This place should stick to being a bar....the words of my 6 year old daughter. Food very average and not the best value for the produce. The batter was laden with excess amounts of sugar...sorry been to better places in Rarotonga to eat. Stick to selling beers and Vino's!

  • Dominic Butaitis

    Dominic Butaitis


    Love this place good drinks and food. The wallpaper make the place.

  • icy guo

    icy guo


    We had the seafood platter for 2, was great selection and tasty but not cheap...

  • Malcolm Henham

    Malcolm Henham


    Awesome place with wonderful food and very friendly staff.

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