Aro'a Beachside Inn i Rarotonga

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Arorangi Rarotonga Cook Islands, Rarotonga, Islas Cook
Kontakter telefon: +682 22 166
Latitude: -21.2461, Longitude: -159.824
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Kommentar 5

  • Propertyscouts Nelson

    Propertyscouts Nelson


    Wonderful staff, lovely greeting and welcomed graciously. We walked in off the street and were made to feel at home. Thank you for an amazing stay - Craig and Kathy Kempton

  • Alan Ferens

    Alan Ferens


    Great bar and BBQ on Saturday night. Highly recommend

  • Pat Titarniuk

    Pat Titarniuk


    Peaceful, friendly, gorgeous scenery

  • Clive Barrow

    Clive Barrow


    A lovely warm welcome from Steve and Geraldine who treat guests as family. Steve's arrival briefing including things to do and see was outstanding- we have been to Raro three times now and this was the best orientation we have had by far! Rooms are spacious and clean- the fitting of air conditioning would be good. The bar meals were well priced and delicious. Thanks so much guys- you have two advocates in us :-)

  • Bethany McGregor

    Bethany McGregor


    Kia Orana! This is the best place to stay on rarotonga!! Please ignore the negative reviews which have been unthoughtfully written! Steve and Geraldine - my hubby and I stayed at your inn a year ago today and am very sad we arent there at the moment and missing it like crazy! We'd like to book for next year xmas and new year :-D will send you an email as I'm not sure when you take bookings. Hope you have a wonderful christmas xox

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