Le Rendez-vous i Avarua District

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Ara Tapu, Avarua District, CK Cookinseln
Kontakter telefon: +682
Latitude: -21.1995642, Longitude: -159.7952075
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Kommentar 5

  • Peter Kinley

    Peter Kinley


    Good menu and the food was tasty. Quirky decor and layout, with indoor, covered and outdoor seating. Convenient location and easy parking. Friendly staff.

  • Paul Pylonier

    Paul Pylonier


    Guter Kaffee nicht weit vom Flughafen. Frühstück und kleine Gerichte. Leider an der Straße gelegen. Tut der Qualität aber keinen Abbruch. Eine Bewertung vom Pylonier.

  • Jessica O'Neill

    Jessica O'Neill


    The owners are very welcoming and informative of the lovely, creative menu. Here we felt such a calm, happy and beautiful atmosphere. The food was well presented and very tasty. Portion size was perfect. (Paris Crepe and Oceania Crepe). We also had their home made sodas- They tasted refreshing and healthy. Also, the coffee by far is the BEST on the island. Made so well and the beans tasted so smooth.Thank you for a beautiful lunch experience on our last day. Highly recommend. Seating was indoors and out. Outdoor seating cushions were extremely comfortable! Restrooms are extremely clean. Thank you!

  • Artem Verbo

    Artem Verbo


    Great food, the best we've tried on Rarotonga, super friendly owners, very cosy atmosphere, definitely recommending to everyone. Was quite hard to find good coffee on the island after being spoiled in New Zealand, but found it here. 5 stars!

  • Michelle A

    Michelle A


    Chic spot close to airport. Vegan and gluetin free options. Enjoyed their homemade iced tea ( got a free refill too which was fabulous). Lovely ladies serving. Excellent food. French flair.

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