Palace Takeaways i Avarua District

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Ara Tapu, Avarua District, CK Islas Cook
Kontakter telefon: +682 21 438
Latitude: -21.2051554, Longitude: -159.7852041
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Kommentar 5

  • N St

    N St


    When I'm on the island I normally order the most expensive burger to get all the good fixings. Boy did they not steer me wrong, this thing was massive and could easily feed a large family! It was so good but had to smash it down to even take a bite out of it. Boy can I not wait to go back.

  • JSAK TuBe

    JSAK TuBe


    Every that visits Rarotonga will have seen or eaten here at least once. This is the McDonald's of Raro. Massive sized burgers that will certainly fill the spot. The food is a little greasy and sloppy because of all the sauces they use, however this does not outweigh the overall quality and taste. Come and check in and see what you think.

  • Sumit Sood

    Sumit Sood


    Anytime food. Specials of Wednesdays. Good price and very good burgers. You have to try them out.

  • Brad Knewstubb

    Brad Knewstubb


    If you are going to the Rarotonga you have to come here. To say these burgers are big is an understatement; they are truly epic. I was there late at night and the place was still open and humming. Staff were friendly. Totally recommended.

  • Floyd wind

    Floyd wind


    Amazing burgers and cheap prices also open all the time and quick and friendly service

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