Island Car and Bike Hire i Avarua

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Avarua, Islas Cook
Kontakter telefon: +682 22 632
Latitude: -21.205878, Longitude: -159.783913
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Kommentar 3

  • Joe Kilduff

    Joe Kilduff


  • Corinne Pitsch-Obrecht

    Corinne Pitsch-Obrecht


    Great service! Very friendly staff, everything worked well! The car was impeccable. Totally recommend it!

  • Ulu Aiono

    Ulu Aiono


    16Jul15 This is only one of 20 places (not exactly 20 but a lot!!) you can hire a car or motorcycle on the island. You'll need your own foreign driver's licence plus you need to buy a local Cook Islands' licence. The rental company will sell you one. It's not a rip off - it's a revenue item for local development (this is what I tell myself every year or two when I buy a new one). Don't get pulled over by the Police and be caught without a licence. You might have the keys taken from you - and that will be expensive in emotion and time.

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