Polynesian Rental Cars i Avarua District

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Saint Joseph's Road, Avarua District, Tutakimoa Tapere, CK Islas Cook
Kontakter telefon: +682 29 227
Hjemmeside: www.polynesianhire.co.ck
Latitude: -21.205296, Longitude: -159.779863
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Kommentar 5

  • Lachlan Habershon

    Lachlan Habershon


    Booked a car for 2 days in Rarotonga. The Car was waiting and ready for us and seemed to be pretty consistent condition to other rental cars we saw. Staff were friendly and helpful. We had no issues with anything (make sure you clarify if you're leaving on a domestic flight not an international flight).

  • Mark Tollefson

    Mark Tollefson


    Rented a bicycle for the day while visiting on a cruise. Got a very low price. Good equipment and friendly service. I rode along the coastal road... realized too late I probably should have taken the road from town to across the island to see more countryside. But had a great time.

  • DJ Nicke

    DJ Nicke


    A scooter is the way to go! Pre-book so it is waiting for you at the airport, and if you’re lucky they will even drive your luggage to your accommodation for you. We drove around the Island for 3 days and spent just $6.60NZD on fuel. A bicycle might be nice, but the heat can be oppressive, so we got the scooter and LOVED IT! I like that it is Island owned and operated. The staff are friendly. BUT - unless you have a full motorcycle license you will have to visit the police station and take a written and practical test, then get a Cook Islands visitors drivers license ($40NZD all up). Keep that in mind and plan for it. We decided to rent a car for the first 2 days and then got a scooter for the rest.

  • Jessica O'Neill

    Jessica O'Neill


    We rented a Nissan March: BEWARE OF PHOTOS- They are decieving -Door panels were rattling -Fuel gauge faulty -Below average quality -No special deals, rented for 15 days 15 days = $925! We could have bought a car of the same poor quality for that. I am grateful for using a rental and understand that the business needs to make a profit but for the faults and low quality vehicle I feel this was a rip off. My advice is make money on your decent vehicles- Not your vehicles that are close to the end of their time. On a positive note I would like to add the staff were always friendly and really helpful.

  • Corinne Pitsch-Obrecht

    Corinne Pitsch-Obrecht


    Overall good and friendly service. Not good: we waited ages for our pick-up (50min! Although they are quite close) and the A/C did not work in the car!

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