White Cottage i Rarotonga

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Matavera Main Road 8, Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Kontakter telefon: +682 55 369
Latitude: -21.2168231, Longitude: -159.7354711
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Kommentar 1

  • Wendy Swales

    Wendy Swales


    Met by Louis on arrival, shown through the house and loved it at 1st sight. Great accomodation for a family wanting a home away from home. Good comfortable beds, large open spaces, full stove and adequate kitchen facilities.. We used the washing machine daily and the dryer on our last day, so returned home with clean laundry. The grounds were well kept and lovely to wonder through, and our grandson happily chased and fed the chickens, cat and dog daily during our stay. A highlight was the outdoor shower... great, refreshing and a beautiful experience looking up at night to the stars... Im bugging my husband for one now... White Cottage has been built from recycled materials, and is fully solar powered. It has a charming way about it. With the windows and doors opened up, there was a lovely fragrant breeze blowing through, and it was cool and refreshing inside. With its concrete floor it may not be everyones cup of tea. Those looking for air con (only 1 bedroom had air con here), room service, someone else to do your room cleaning and laundry.... go to a resort If you want a home away from home, a bit of room for kids to run around in, to cook and barbeque when you please... White Cottage will be your best option. Thanks Louis and Minar... We will definitely be back...

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