Trader Jacks i Avarua District

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Ara Tapu, Avarua District, Takuvaine Tapere, CK Cook-øerne
Kontakter telefon: +682 25 464
Latitude: -21.206168, Longitude: -159.774737
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Kommentar 5

  • Kinsey Hall

    Kinsey Hall


    The steaks were all very dry and overcooked (we all asked for medium rear) the peppercorn and garlic butter sauce was just melted butter. All the steaks came out with nothing but roast potatoes, if you want a salad you'll need to order it separately. I also wouldn't waste your time upgrading your steak to a surf and turf, only to get the world's smallest cray tail. The ribs and the fish and chips were all good though.

  • Lou Girardin

    Lou Girardin


    We may have struck an off day, the fish sandwich was great, but the rest was so so. Our espresso martinis had a very vague aquaintance with alcohol. Could do much better.

  • Kris Sip

    Kris Sip


    Great food - reasonably priced. Nice spot right on the water. Ordered from the bar so we could sit outside.

  • Stuart Ennor

    Stuart Ennor


    5 years ago i had the most amazing ribs, tonight i went back to experience it all again..... But no i was deeply disappointed. It was not good at all, the sauce was amazing but the meat was a hugh let down. To the point im not sure i would return, also on reflection of photos 5 years a go my plate was full of ribs, tonight i had 6 on the plate, It almost tasted like reconstituted meat, on a happier not my wife steak and meal was good.

  • DJ Nicke

    DJ Nicke


    Beautiful views, and excellent food! The fish comes straight from the fisherman to your plate! If you want to taste fresh fish prepared to perfection, then visit Trader Jacks! They have indoor or outdoor seating, plus a bar area. It’s worth having a look around inside as well, as they have a lot of history on the walls.

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