Tamarind House Restaurant & Bar i Avarua District

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Ara Tapu, Avarua District, CK Islas Cook
Kontakter telefon: +682 26 487
Hjemmeside: www.tamarindrarotonga.com
Latitude: -21.2035151, Longitude: -159.7624744
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Kommentar 5

  • Cees Spies

    Cees Spies


    Very nice old colonial house and delicious food..

  • Peter G

    Peter G


    We dined at Tamarind House - the food was amazing. But we made a big mistake in booking at 8pm. (I wish they had warned us when we booked) No sooner had we arrived but we had ordered entree and mains. The entrees came out really quick and the mains about 1 min after finishing the entree. Really not quite what we were hoping for to end an amazing trip to Raro. Amazing restaurant but my suggestion book for 7pm.

  • nikki white

    nikki white


    Beautiful place, fantastic food and awesome service. A must for anyone traveling to Rarotonga.

  • Fe'ena Syme Buchanan

    Fe'ena Syme Buchanan


    An elegant location with delicious and attractive food. To top it all off, the outstanding and friendly service! Go here if you want to spoil and impress someone special 😉

  • Fergus McKay

    Fergus McKay


    We went with a party of 20 people and the experience across the group was mixed. The building and views are lovely. The grounds around the building are a nice place to have a short walk as well. Perhaps it was just bad luck, but they had almost none of the beers and wines listed on their menu. This was made worse by the fact that this was not communicated to us, we just had to keep picking a drink from the menu and being told "we don't have any of that". While most of the meals were served quickly, two of the meals did not appear until 30 minutes after the rest of the table had been served, despite us asking to see where they were and when they would be served several times. Some of the meals contained ingredients that were not listed on the menu, and when enquired about prior to ordering, we we're informed that they were not in the meal. When the meal was delivered, and the ingredients discovered, the dish was removed and replaced with a new meal (the same meal with the same ingredients). While we were there, several of our group complained that the woman's toilets were "underwater". All in all, for the price of the meals, I thought the service was poor, and the experience as a whole was negative.

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