SPCA Punanga Nui Markets i Avarua District

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Punanganui Road, Avarua District, Tutakimoa Tapere, CK Cookinseln
Kontakter telefon: +682 25 005
Hjemmeside: www.facebook.com
Latitude: -21.2046387, Longitude: -159.781262
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Kommentar 3

  • Archer Kennedy

    Archer Kennedy


    The Cook Islands SPCA do amazing work. The Op Shop located in the Punanga Nui Markets is brilliant, it is very tidy & has a great array of new & 2nd hand goods offered to the public at awesome prices. The staff are helpful, knowledgeable & friendly & the shop hours are good because they even have late night shopping when other shops in town are closed. If you or friends/family are visiting Rarotonga & can spare some room in your suitcase please take along some items to donate...clothing, shoes, cosmetics, books, magazines, homewares, anything you don't use anymore & all profits from shop sales benefits the animals directly. The Cook Islands SPCA help all types of animals & run a shelter for stray, homeless & rehabilitating Raro dogs. The shelter is located up Papua Falls road (otherwise known as Wigmores Waterfall Rd) near the old hotel site, there are road side signs directing you...visits, donations and help walking dogs, cleaning kennels etc are always warmly welcomed. They are always desperately in need of Flea & Worm treatments in partucular!! There are monetary donation boxes located at several hotels around the island & many retailers, including one for your leftover Raro coins in the departure lounge of the International Airport Terminal. The SPCA in Raro is run by a dedicated group of volunteers so please support them. You can follow their progress & contact them directly on Facebook (just search Cook Islands SPCA & give them a Like) or donate online at givealittle.co.nz/cause/cookislandsspca

  • Caitlin C

    Caitlin C


    They are open most days, not just during the Saturday market. This is the only place in the cooks we could find old license plates which I like to get when I travel. They have both car and scooter versions but more of the car ones. She has a bin inside with lots to look through. The shop itself is more of a thrift shop with proceeds going to the SPCA. I was extremely pleased that I found my favourite souvenir (the plate) and got to help the animals. They have all sorts of things like clothes, bags, books and some small used games like Uno or cards. I assume stock varies greatly over time so it's always best to check often. Make sure to stop by and thank them and the work they do. There is also a book of adoptable animals to look through in case you are interested. :)

  • P. B Taylor

    P. B Taylor


    Cute little shack. The SPCA do a lot of good work on the island so we were happy to make a few purchases to support their work.

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