Pacific Divers i Muri

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Ara Tapu Drive, Muri, Wyspy Cooka
Kontakter telefon: +682 22 450
Latitude: -21.252589, Longitude: -159.7301604
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Kommentar 5

  • Mat B

    Mat B


    I did my open water certification here and the staff are friendly, knowledgeable, and patient. Ashley was my instructor and I couldn’t have asked for a better teacher. Roratonga proved to be absolutely incredible to dive and Ashley’s skills at spotting some of the marine life that most people would miss....are unbelievable! She sportted a Scorpion Fish that was so well camouflaged on the rocks....she literally had to point at it about an inch away so that I could see where it was. She also spotted a large octopus hiding inside a coral structure...girl’s skill are next level! With a passion for marine life and a drive to make sure you become a competent diver, Pacific really hits all the marks should you choose this shop for you certification, or just for an intro to scuba! Thanks Ashley and crew. You guys are awesome!

  • Charlotte Hufschmidt McAulay

    Charlotte Hufschmidt McAulay


    I am the type of customer most dive shops love. Oftentimes, I'm a solo Traveller, and want to spend most of my time under water and in good company. You cannot go wrong with Pacific Divers. I have based most of my vacations around diving. After spending 2 weeks in Rarotonga, mostly diving, I was not disappointed. Stephen runs a great shop and is often out diving with customers! I am looking forward to my next visit to Rarotonga and dives with Pacific Divers!

  • Cathy Yang

    Cathy Yang


    We did 4 dives with Pacific diver, and our divemaster was Ben. Great service, the hot cocoa in-between the dives is an added bonus. The hard corals we saw were impressive!!! We have never seen anything like that in the ocean, amazing indeed. Things to expect 1. The boat come back ashore between dives. 2. There is no snack or water provided, so make sure to bring your our water. The same goes with towel, bring your own. 3. The day starts around 830 and end around 1130, so you will have the whole afternoon to enjoy the island. Things you would see 1. Wreck 2. Awesome sunken anchor 3. Endless amazing corals 4. Lionfish 5. Scorpion fish 6. Cute dive shop cat welcoming you when you are back from the dive

  • Dominic Butaitis

    Dominic Butaitis


    Great dive operator.

  • Alyssa Jade

    Alyssa Jade


    My first dive after completing my certification, they were great. Encouraging, great guidance and relaxed and laid back that I got the full experience on both my dives with them. Planning on diving with them again before I leave

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