Cook Islands Police i Avarua District

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Ara Tapu, Avarua District, Tutakimoa Tapere, CK Cookinseln
Kontakter telefon: +682 22 499
Latitude: -21.2058059, Longitude: -159.7778445
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Kommentar 5

  • Fatsota Tip

    Fatsota Tip


    Quite laid back cops, don't turn up riding ya hired moped before you do ya test though, big frown

  • Sumit Sood

    Sumit Sood


    Got my scooter licence in 2 mintues - $20! If you have a NZ Bike Lerner Licence then you don't have to sit any test. Just go to the police station and give them your NZ licence and they'll do the rest.

  • Gary Mitchell

    Gary Mitchell


    Money generator you have to go here to get a local drivers license to hire a cat or scooter here.

  • Ulu Aiono

    Ulu Aiono


    17Jul16 The best place to buy your local driver's licence when you rent a car or motorbike.

  • Timo Uustal

    Timo Uustal


    Did you know that you can easily make local driving licence, if you have altready other international licence? One of the coolest souvenirs you could get from the islands.

Nærmeste Politi:

Maritime Surveillance Centre

Ara Tapu, Avarua District
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