Club Raro Resort i Avarua District

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483 Avarua Rarotonga, Avarua District CK, Cook Islands
Kontakter telefon: +682 22 415
Latitude: -21.2037416, Longitude: -159.7548332
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Kommentar 5

  • Abraham Koshy

    Abraham Koshy


    Evening front of house staff very helpful. The rest is what can be expected from a hotel

  • tracey devlin

    tracey devlin


    We stayed at club raro for 9 nights and loved every minute of it. Food was great beds were comfortable in our pool side room and the grandkids loved it. Staff are great. Great locaion as was central to everthing. Look forward to coming back. Great price for deal we got 😊

  • Viktoriya Tsyupka

    Viktoriya Tsyupka


    Good location, big territory, free snorking gear, small pool, bike rent. Not bad overall 😊

  • Bernie Shults

    Bernie Shults


    Love it love it love it. Great friendly staff too

  • chloe erlston

    chloe erlston


    I stayed at club rare in July 2017. The pictures make it look nicer but it's not too bad. Be careful when booking as I booked from 1st and arrived early hours in the morning and because check in wasn't till 2pm I had to pay $175 nz dollars on the spot for a room for the night and we got a room ato the back in 5he corner by the cleaners storage rooms and wash house which was so noisy from 6am and all the roosters like to hand out there to and wake up nice and early. The staff however were amazing helpful and friendly. And the place was nice and clean. The buffet breakfast was pretty crappie for the price we paid. But the dinners are very nice and a good portion in size.

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