Tuoro Restaurant & Cafe i Arorangi District

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Ara Tapu, Arorangi District, CK Cook Islands
Kontakter telefon: +682 21 233
Latitude: -21.2095212, Longitude: -159.8232144
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Kommentar 5

  • Alan Russian

    Alan Russian


    During our week at Raro, we were surprised that the best restaurant on the island was adjacent to our lodging (they also have a couple villas on the property)! Fantastic food coupled with great service. Highly recommend!

  • Jessica O'Neill

    Jessica O'Neill


    Beautiful cafe up the hill overlooking the stunning black rocks and ocean. We were immediately greeted with welcoming and kind service, seated in a beautiful spot outside with views. Clean and tidy. Friendly warm ambience. Food was superb, quality produce and I feel the chef was well experienced. Reasonable pricing and great tapas menu. We will be back and recommend.

  • stu sowry

    stu sowry


    Perfect place for lunch, but I would suggest booking in advance to avoid getting turned away. That speaks for itself. The Hostess was lovely and very professional, although worked off her feet, the food high classed and very good.

  • Ali and Ralph Hemi

    Ali and Ralph Hemi


    This is a great place to go on a sunday for lunch great food and live band but you we need to book staff are all friendly

  • Alasdair Johnston

    Alasdair Johnston


    Coming here was the first experience that made me feel like I was really on holiday. The most lovely service you will find on the island, and gorgeous food to match. We were lucky enough to get to listen to an amazing musician perform during our lunch and it made it that extra bit special. Well worth the visit, and a trip to Black Rock for a swim before or after or both makes it even better.

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