Kikau Hut i Arorangi District

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🕗 Åbningstider

Ara Tapu, Arorrangi, Arorangi District, Cook Islands
Kontakter telefon: +682 26 860
Latitude: -21.2124738, Longitude: -159.8257468
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Kommentar 5

  • Tamatoa Taruia

    Tamatoa Taruia


    Had a really great meal the other night here. Had seafood platter and the ribs and they were awesome. The food came out real quick despite having a full house and the food was real good too. Next time I gotta try out the steak. Little bit pricey and the drink size was a little small. Other than that 4/5*

  • Brendon Oakey

    Brendon Oakey


    Went there two nights in a row food and service was outstanding food was so fresh it just melted in your mouth i would highly recommend this restaurant if you are visiting Rarotonga 5 star's all the way 🖒

  • Tania Oakey

    Tania Oakey


    Absolute best 3 course meal we have ever had. Amazing friendly fast service. Going back tonight. Cant get enough of that beautiful food. A must to visit when in Raro.

  • Dirk Thiele

    Dirk Thiele


    Ok restaurant but meals are too small. I went there 2 times. First time was ok but, prices are too high for the food they offer. I payed over 30$ and I wasn't even full afterwards. Service was good the first time but not the second.My complaint was ignored. Would not come here again. They have a special of the day.

  • Eric Carr

    Eric Carr


    It is an open air restaurant and best to go when there is a nice evening breeze and cooler temps. We tried the Swordfish fish of the day special and the fish and chips. Both were incredibly fresh fish and Delish. Desserts were even better. The fried wontons and passion fruit cheesecake were AMAZING!

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