The Pacific Fish & Chip Shop i Arorangi District

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Ara Tapu, Arorangi District, CK Islas Cook
Kontakter telefon: +682 29 134
Latitude: -21.239942, Longitude: -159.82655
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Kommentar 5

  • Red Back

    Red Back


    So good and very reasonably priced ( cheap).

  • Ali Gal

    Ali Gal


    Friendly staff awesome burgers! You have to try the Fishburger and Island fries!

  • Alexander Jacob Fangel

    Alexander Jacob Fangel


    The size of the portions here are enormous. A cozy little place with smiling service.

  • Beat Wuethrich

    Beat Wuethrich


    Very delicious fish and chips. All freshly prepared so you have to wait maybe for 30 mins. at busy times. But it is worth to wait!

  • Tyler A

    Tyler A


    YUM! A euphoric experience! Eating at the family owned and operated Pacific Fish and Chips shop in Aorangi district is an absolute must if you are in Rarotonga. Located between the Edgewater and The Rarotongan. Fresh local Albacore!, not the rubbish shark or hoki that we get in NZ, the portions are generous and the price is too. Great music, atmosphere. The recipe of a good fish and chip shop that meant my family eat here three times during our stay.

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Vili's Golden Wok

Ngatipa Tapere, Cook Islands
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