Hotel Crown Beach Resort i Arorangi District

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Arorangi Sunset Coast Beach Road Rarotonga, Arorangi District, Islas Cook
Kontakter telefon: +682 23 953
Latitude: -21.2202574, Longitude: -159.8296585
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Kommentar 5

  • Eon Kerewaro

    Eon Kerewaro


    Great staff, beautiful view. Very private and the rooms look amazing. We went here for dinner and happy hour. The seafood buffet was incredible and reasonably priced. The cocktails were huge! Thanks team!

  • Paddy Mc Gowan

    Paddy Mc Gowan


    Fantastic beach and sunset. Clean facilities. Close to airport, and main town/city. Very good friendly service.

  • Joanne Rodrigues

    Joanne Rodrigues


    Great location right on the water. Coutyard Pool Villas are a little dated but have plenty of space, are very clean and have a huge bathroom. They also offer privacy, and you get a pool guy to clean your pool every day! Very friendly staff.

  • Nicola Paulin

    Nicola Paulin


    We stayed at Crown beach for a family wedding and had the most fantastic time. As it was an Adults only resort it was peaceful, and beautiful with lovely friendly staff who were always willing to assist. The private pool rooms are lovely and private; the rooms themsleves are lovely and modern with a tropical vibe, the air con works fabulously, just the gardens around our pool could have done with some TLC! The wedding was beautiful and we have spoken several times about a return trip.

  • milson castro

    milson castro


    No historias de guerra

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