The Edgewater Resort and Spa i Arorangi District

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Arorangi District, Islas Cook
Kontakter telefon: +682 25 435
Latitude: -21.2171749, Longitude: -159.8298662
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Kommentar 5

  • WhiticityLiam O'Reilly

    WhiticityLiam O'Reilly


    Bit behind its time. Quite old and run down in parts. Needs a bit more TLC. Rooms are nice and spacious, does need better beds and the room should be cleaned and sheets replace everyday, we only had our towels and rubbish changed. Also could do with two breakfast venues as it can get really busy and squashed. Apart from all of this the staff are all lovely and the food is really nice, great outdoor entertainment everyday.

  • Tracy Bell

    Tracy Bell


    Don't wait. Just go. Island time in style. Gorgeous place with fabulous location and views to die for. Awesome snorkeling and food and entertainment. Make it your base while you explore. May be older yet it's the best for what I like.

  • Jessica Henson

    Jessica Henson


    Great family resort. Handy to everything. Bus stop at the door. Older resort but has everything you need. Beautiful spot. Fish bowl cocktails are a must to try. Spaghetti house restaurant at the road entrance does fantastic Italian and is very child friendly.

  • Luciana Gallardo

    Luciana Gallardo


    Demasiado caro para lo que ofrece




    Malisimo. No lo recomiendo para nada. Instalaciones viejas y sucias. El desayuno pobre.

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