CITC Foodland i Avarua District

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🕗 Åbningstider

Ara Tapu, Avarua District, Tutakimoa Tapere, CK Cook Islands
Kontakter telefon: +682 23 127
Latitude: -21.2054933, Longitude: -159.7783247
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Kommentar 5

  • Dirk Thiele

    Dirk Thiele


    It is a nice supermarket covering your basic grocery needs including canned spaghetti Nutella and also some hot prepared food. Cashiers were kind and service oriented. They also have a freezer for frozen meats and larger portions of ice cream. A couple of isles non food items are a included, too. Prices are reasonable.

  • Nico Dez

    Nico Dez


    Biggest range of food products on the island. Also sells a variety of house hold items and cleaning products.

  • Vedran Jukic

    Vedran Jukic


    Better prices than the little general stores around the island, but not a much better range of items and the fresh produce is not always fresh.

  • Kyle M

    Kyle M


    Good selection of everything.

  • Ulu Aiono

    Ulu Aiono


    15Jul15 I'm only talking about the baguettes and the freshly roasted chicken (in a bag) - absolutely superb. On the island nearly every convenience store or local shop sells bread and baguettes. But only a few sell BAGUETTES - ya kno whaddai-mean?!! Fresh and crusty on the outside and soft, perfectly, fresh center of bread on the inside. Well .. this is one of the stores where you can get an advanced, heavenly, treat in the form of a BAGUETTE. Buy six then you won't have to send out a search party after making the mistake of buying only one or two and scoffing them in one sitting. Same with the roast chicken. Tasty, moist, thoroughly cooked and sealed in an oven bag, go ahead an spoil your family and friends by buying three. They will last for days especially if you put the spares in the fridge.

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