CITC Supermarket i Avarua District

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Avarua District, Cook Islands
Kontakter telefon: +682 22 777
Latitude: -21.2030077, Longitude: -159.7877339
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Kommentar 5

  • Stephen Wall

    Stephen Wall


    Great resource

  • Sam Baird

    Sam Baird


    Good selection

  • Ben Newman

    Ben Newman


    Biggest supermarket on the island with a decent selection, just watch out as they close quite early and like most places around it isnt cheap!

  • Ulu Aiono

    Ulu Aiono


    21Jul15 On an island like Rarotonga the consumer is not king. No. The merchant is king because the consumer has few options. Still, CITC has reasonable prices (given the situation) and an OK product range. You can even buy cooked, roast chickens in a bag, just like in NZ and Australia. Opne long hours - which is good for those urges when the consumer is on the far side of the island and that end's local stores are closed.

  • Stefan Kruijt

    Stefan Kruijt


    This is a good supermarket to go to when you're staying on this island. It's a large grocery store (compared to the rest of the little shops on the island).

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