Tumuora Crossfit i Arorangi District

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Ara Tapu, Arorangi District, CK Cook Islands
Kontakter telefon: +682 55 945
Hjemmeside: www.facebook.com
Latitude: -21.2157954, Longitude: -159.8273689
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Kommentar 4

  • Chris Edwards

    Chris Edwards


    This may be the most remote box in the world but they sure make it feel like home! Great equipment, friendly staff and members, and Geoff was very accomodating with extending the open gym hours to suit. If in doubt, give him a call!

  • Poppy Salter

    Poppy Salter


    Awesome fun! First class was small but I appreciated the attention to my form to ensure I didn’t injure myself. Looking forward to my next class

  • TJ



    Atmosphere was fine. Downfall was "gym open times" details on their website was incorrect. Paid for three sessions but I did not attend last session due to not knowing the right time the gym opens. Pay as you go in!

  • Janna Jansen

    Janna Jansen


    What a great away from home gym to go to. The people are friendly and welcoming, the equipment is great, and the atmosphere was pumping. Really enjoyed my workouts here while on the island

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