The Rarotongan Beach Resort & Spa i Rarotonga

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Aroa Beach Rarotonga Cook Islands, Rarotonga, Wyspy Cooka
Kontakter telefon: +682 25 800
Latitude: -21.2571, Longitude: -159.815
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Kommentar 5

  • Julie Corin

    Julie Corin


    Amazing location on edge of beautiful lagoon can swim.all day and night in the ocean or if not in there in the lovely pool that is close to the bar and the restaurant and activities hut. Kids club great for the kids as well as the daily activities arranged by the staff daily walks hat making night snorkeling etc. We were extremely lucky to have a room that you could see the beach from sitting up in bed

  • Janette Godden

    Janette Godden


    i read alot of the negative reviews and wondering if they had the correct resort! some of the complaining was actually funny in how sad some people are. it's an island resort! yes some rooms aren't the Bellagio but they were clean. staff were amazing location is excellent. must stay if you visit

  • Ingrid Heynen

    Ingrid Heynen


    Great place to have a dinner. Food was excellent with good variety. From the deck we watched an amazing sunset and then the moon rise. Great venue for a wedding on the beach with the backdrop of the reef. Happy hour from 5 to 6pm

  • Jason Seah

    Jason Seah


    Love the resort and it’s location. Don’t expect a flash new resort, this place is older like early 90s but that is what makes it great. Plenty of grown tidy gardens to provide a relaxing feel to this resort. Shade from fully grown trees on the beach, and arguably the best snorkelling on the island. We booked again the week after we left for the following year. Can’t wait to get back.

  • Steffany Hanson

    Steffany Hanson


    I had a situation where my parents didn't realise their booking hadnt been cancelled as they thought it had, and money was taken from their account for their booking(standard procedure). Upon ringing the resort I dreaded the discussion I needed to have to get a refund, but honestly could not fault one staff member I dealt with to get the issue resolved - all co-operative and friendly. My sincerest gratitude to Jason and his team in reservations who made the cancellation and refund a smooth process.

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