The New Place Cafe Rarotonga i Avarua District

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Ara Tapu, Avarua District, Tutakimoa Tapere, CK Cook Islands
Kontakter telefon: +682 22 279
Latitude: -21.2050002, Longitude: -159.7794924
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Kommentar 5

  • daniel oconnell

    daniel oconnell


    Very nice , food is refreshingly simple and tasty

  • Lloyd C

    Lloyd C


    Wish we found this place earlier in our stay on Raro! One of the only places we found that had all day breakfast options. The New Place has a very broad menu and decent (island average) coffee. Nice to see the menu has specialties for vegetarians and vegans, with GF options scattered throughout as well. We had an Omelette and the “Mexican Frittata”: both were delicious.

  • Dirk Thiele

    Dirk Thiele


    Overall not a very nice experience. The salad I had was average quality, the service rather rude nd unfriendly and they tried to cheat me when giving me the change for my bill.

  • Sam Morre

    Sam Morre


    Great menu and excellent variety. Vegetarian friendly , delicious breakfast. Highly recommended, friendly and helpful staff. Best breakfast on the islanf

  • Franky O'Connor

    Franky O'Connor


    Although we were recommended this cafe, it wasn't my cup of tea. The menu looked good (we were there at a time when there was a limited light menu) and the food we had was tasty. However, it was a fairly cosmopolitan menu and I'd prefer more local fare.

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