The Islander Hotel i Avarua District

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Ara Tapu, Avarua District, CK Islas Cook
Kontakter telefon: +682 21 003
Latitude: -21.1991091, Longitude: -159.7953621
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Kommentar 5

  • Kieron Ratcliffe

    Kieron Ratcliffe


    Was great for happy hour $4 a drink. It was the first day for the lady serving me. We had the giant seafood platter which I didn't enjoy, the green muscles was cold and didn't appear to be cooked correctly. I know food tastes for everyone is different and someone else may have enjoyed it.

  • Amy Kenefeck

    Amy Kenefeck


    Booked through Air BNB and it was a hotel. Didn't use the shower as the water was brown, I can see why the shower head has been left hanging down as it constantly drips. Definitely not worth $200 a night! Bar is loud so if you have an early flight make sure you take ear plugs (the room says they supply them but there were none). Food was good in the restaurant and well priced. Got bitten by lots of mosquitos in the inside area! If your up for a night of drinking then this would be the place to be!

  • ken Kautapa

    ken Kautapa


    Stayed here on my last night because it was close to the airport which made it convenient for my family. Never again, way overpriced for a hotel that had a backpackers feel to it, and the rooms felt like they weren’t cleaned properly. Majority of the staff there were not friendly or welcoming at all, for me it was borderline rude. Did not get sick the whole time I was on holiday until I stayed and ate dinner there. Only positive was the Hula bar. Very disappointed.

  • Phoenix F. Lemalu

    Phoenix F. Lemalu


    Pretty awesome place to visit. People are super friendly and the foods freakin' awesome

  • Ashal Mishra

    Ashal Mishra


    This accomdation was ideal for us as our flight landed at 1am and this hotel is directly opposite the airport. A free service shuttle bus was also waiting outside the airport to take us to the accomodation. The rooms were spacious, clean and well maintained. The service was amazing. They allowed us to leave our luggage in a safe room the next day while we roamed around. It is approximately 30-40 minutes away from Muri Beach in a taxi. Bus stop available directly opposite the hotel. Will highly recommend for convenience especially if your flight is a late one.

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