Sunset Resort i Arorangi District

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Ara Tapu, Arorangi Rarotonga, Arorangi District, Islas Cook
Kontakter telefon: +682 28 028
Latitude: -21.2129976, Longitude: -159.8263734
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Kommentar 5

  • Kieron Ratcliffe

    Kieron Ratcliffe


    We only went for food but the layout was nice and the food was good.

  • Peter Kinley

    Peter Kinley


    We stayed for four nights. I liked the unit, it was spacious, with a balcony overlooking the pool, a small kitchen, lots of cupboards and a decent sized bathroom. The pool was good, with palm trees and rocks around the edges and a deck with chairs and umbrellas at the shallow end. The restaurant was nice with good serving sizes and prompt service. The team on reception were friendly and helpful. The beach is amazing. Deck chairs and hammocks amongst coconut trees on a white sand beach next to the lagoon. Swimming and snorkelling is best at high tide, and reef shoes and snorkel are provided free. It's a great place to watch a sunset with a cocktail. Location-wise, it's close to town and the airport, and there are lots of restaurants and shops a short walk along the road. We used their airport transfer service, which was fine. The downsides were mostly in the bathroom. It wasn't that clean, and some maintenance was well overdue. The safe didn't work. And the Wi-Fi was terrible, though I understand that it is the same all over the Cook Islands.

  • Eric Carr

    Eric Carr


    My wife and I loved this place. We chose it because it was on the west side of the island so we could get incredible sunsets—and we did. Also, it was closer to the airport and away from the crowd of Muri Beach. The rooms were clean and well appointed. Our room was closest to the beach, so it was nice being able to look at the water in the morning. We didn’t notice the roosters in the morning. The morning Breakfast was bread, fruit and cereals. If you wanted something more then there is a bakery right across the street of the hotel. There’s a lot of restaurants within walking distance. Also, the hotel provides reef shoes, but if want to bring your own, we would highly recommend it. The beach side of the hotel was the best. There were hammocks for taking long naps. We recommend sitting in a beach chair or hammock and getting a drink and watching the sunset. Also, they were still working on the pool—not really a big deal as they had another pool. The Sunday bbq was cool and would definitely recommend as their was a good show and yummy buffet.

  • Ingrid Zitzelsberger

    Ingrid Zitzelsberger


    Sehr gutes Essen, schöne, saubere Zimmer. Herrlicher Strand. Schönes Riff zum Schnorcheln direkt vor der Tür. Masken und Schuhe sind zu haben. Sehr nettes Personal.

  • Sumit Sood

    Sumit Sood


    Really quiet place. Nice daily breakfast. Friendly and helpful staff. Most retired old people so not best for young couples. Overall very good and clean.

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