Sunrise Beach Bungalows i Ngatangiia District

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Main Road Turangi, Muri Beach, Ngatangiia District, Cook-øerne
Kontakter telefon: +682 20 417
Latitude: -21.239665, Longitude: -159.7276552
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Kommentar 5

  • Sarah Sparkes

    Sarah Sparkes


    Struggling to give it 1 star. On arrival we had a note saying which bungalow we was in. No knowledge of the place or what was available to us. Extremely dirty kitchen and bathroom could do have done with a good scrub, ant infested and the mosquitoes loved it! The bed sheets wasn't clean had stain marks. Stayed a week no fresh towels or bedding. The manager was no where to be seen.

  • Arzeen Cooper

    Arzeen Cooper


    Excellent service! Airport shuttle was amazing and stress free. The bungalow was well maintained and sufficient. The location was ideal. Overall a great experience!

  • Waimanu Mano

    Waimanu Mano


    It was very homely and accommodating. Will definitely come back next time.

  • Ruth Poupouare

    Ruth Poupouare


    Tranquility; private loved it pool was amazing host so helpful

  • Yvette W.

    Yvette W.


    Had a nice stay there in 2013 - Caryn is a really friendly person - who will pick you up at the airport. The bungalow is comfortably - good beds - everything you'll need is in the kitchen. Only 1,5 km to muri beach. Bus station closed to the bungalow area.

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