Sails Brasserie & Bar i Muri Beach

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Muri Beach, Islas Cook
Kontakter telefon: +682 27 349
Latitude: -21.2473829, Longitude: -159.7292513
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Kommentar 1

  • Aroha Hathaway

    Aroha Hathaway


    This isn't where Sails is. Sails is next to Captain Tama's Lagoond Cruises on Muri Beach. It has a great location. The staff member who served us would rather have not served us I think. And the meals are really expensive. We're talking over-priced not just expensive for the Cooks. But that's just my opinion :) Lovely, lovely restaurant location. Just not our thing. And there are way too many choices in raro now. We went to the Muri night markets right next door on the main road. $10 meals and cooked in front of you with music and lights. Take it to the beach to eat if you like ;)

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