Rarotonga International Airport i Avarua District

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Avarua District, Cook Islands
Kontakter telefon: +60 16-949 7152
Hjemmeside: www.cookislandsairports.com
Latitude: -21.2027, Longitude: -159.805677
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Kommentar 5

  • Urger zimi

    Urger zimi


    Airport staff were awesome! The only let down was Jetstar checkin staff, most of my packed clothes were wet and thus caused me to be over the weight limit, I had to put on wet clothes in order to be within the carry on weight limit (pretty uncomfortable).

  • Mark Rochester

    Mark Rochester


    Great little airport, friendly staff and well maintained. The queues are never long as it is servicing only a few flights a day but it is all nicely organized and professional. Once you arrive on the island you get a sense that you are truly welcome. The people are what make Rarotonga special, aside from the beautiful water, great weather and plenty of activities.

  • Peter Kinley

    Peter Kinley


    Nice little island airport. Quick trip through customs and immigration, friendly staff, live music at the luggage carousel. Easy trip on the way out too, and a stamp on the passport in both directions. Check in opens late and baggage storage is expensive. Cheap parking.

  • Eric Carr

    Eric Carr


    Small cozy airport for the international area. But FYI the domestic boarding waiting area is open-air.

  • Stefano Simonetti

    Stefano Simonetti


    A lovely, cosy airport. Small and efficient. We are greeted with flowers and music, and with a special feeling floating in the air :-)

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