Rarotonga CK

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Rarotonga, Wyspy Cooka
Kontakter telefon: +682
Latitude: -21.2292371, Longitude: -159.7763491
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Kommentar 5

  • Quinta Hohua

    Quinta Hohua


    This year we visited Rarotonga for the first time this year during the month of June which was absolutely awesome. The Temp was between 25-27 degrees. When travelling to Rarotonga you dont need to bring food as their supermarkets are well priced. Don't buy duty free until you get to Rarotonga as it is way cheaper. The people / workers at the resorts are paid very low wages ie $7 a hour, so tipping them after room service is a great way to top them up and appreciation as well. We gifted our front desk admin our duty free bottles and cigarettes. When going around the island look out for little shops outside the local homes as this is there only source of income and they have no benefit system except the pension. Definitely going back next year. See You Soon

  • Lloyd C

    Lloyd C


    What a beautiful place. Crystal clear water set against a lush green mountain in the middle of the ocean! Lovely people, incredible scenery, heaps to do and loads of places to check out. Recommend hiring a vehicle to go exploring and experience the island outside the place you’re staying. Will definitely return: hopefully sooner rather than later!

  • Jesse Heise

    Jesse Heise


    Better than Hawaii, locals are amazing. Expat from NZ are awesome. Lots of things to do on a small island in the ocean.

  • Shim Marom

    Shim Marom


    If you're looking for an exotic island that offers all that the term 'pacific island' can offer then Rarotonga is the place for you. The scenery, vegetation and beaches are stunning and, best of all, the people are lovely. Many highlights to share but to summarise: 1. If you're fit and adventurous don't skip the opportunity to walk the cross island track. 2. If you're contemplating hiring a car, having a car on Saturday and Sunday will make your life easier as there's limited public transportation on these days 3. Snorkel, snorkel, snorkel.

  • Tracy Bell

    Tracy Bell


    Nice quiet island with lots of music and smiley faces. I'd recommended going. The foods really nice at the local markets. The crayfish dish at the castaway was really delish. The scooters are a hoot. The resorts are beautiful. Amen to Rarotonga

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