Paradise Inn i Avarua District

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Ara Tapu, Avarua District, Ngatipa Tapere, CK Cook Islands
Kontakter telefon: +682
Latitude: -21.2052437, Longitude: -159.7696194
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Kommentar 5

  • Fatsota Tip

    Fatsota Tip


    Great location, rooms were ok, only had a ceiling fan and got a bit warm, then again you're on a paradise island so embrace the heat!!

  • Varame Coalala

    Varame Coalala


    Convient and homely

  • garrick hicks

    garrick hicks


  • Timo Uustal

    Timo Uustal


    Great hotel to enjoy the island. Very local touches in its atmosphere. The place used to be one of the biggest dance floors back in last century, then later converted to the hotel, but rooms have still the same floor on the ground floor. Duplex layout of the rooms (with bed upstairs). Practical kitchenette to make your own meals. The best feature is that you can hear the ocean wave sounds straight from your room (as well as morning wake up call by the roosters in the neighbourhood). As internet on the island is very limited, it is perfect place for digital de-tox week.

  • AkumaEternalRose



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