Palm Grove Resort Rarotonga i Rarotonga

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Ara Tapu, Rarotonga, CK Cookinseln
Kontakter telefon: +682 20 002
Latitude: -21.264605, Longitude: -159.78674
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Kommentar 5

  • max k

    max k


    Amazing bungalow just next to the beach, delicious food (dinner and lunch) the breakfast serves everything you need. Cool and relaxed staff

  • Sue W

    Sue W


    Loved it. Would certainly recommend and will certainly be back.

  • helen jeffery

    helen jeffery


    We recently stayed a week in a garden unit. Found that comfortable, staff good, breakfasts healthy and satisfying. A quiet place which we appreciated and only a short walk to a store with good food supplies. The Thursday night happy hour and accompanying music was a highlight. However, like a person who has posted below - I must qualify my appreciation of the place by commenting on the arrogance and rudeness of a staff member, in this case the man driving the shuttle. We had our early morning departure time changed by him and given 10 minutes notice. He shouted at us, was abusive, and threatened to leave us there. It was most distressing and quite unacceptable behaviour (and unnecessary as we were in no danger of being late for our flight). I had intended to send an email to Palm Grove detailing this incident but as it seems that he may not be the only one at the resort with an unfortunate attitude to some guests I have decided to post this here. A shame as other staff were helpful and kind and it was an otherwise enjoyable stay.

  • Saskia



    Great place to stay for a relaxing holiday. Choice of garden and beach bungalows as well as a 3 bedroom house for larger groups. Laundry is on site as well as a pool and free access to snorkeling and kayak gear. Buffet breakfast is great with heaps of fresh fruit. Great cocktails at the bar and don't miss out on the BBQ if you get the chance. Only down side (on the entire island) is the huge amount of free roaming roosters calling out bright and early.

  • Sven Wallrabe

    Sven Wallrabe


    Kleines ruhiges Resort mit sehr gutem Restaurant. Gute Ausstattung und nettes Personal.

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