Coco Latte i Takitumu District

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Ara Tapu, Takitumu District, CK Cook Islands
Kontakter telefon: +682 27 183
Latitude: -21.2641656, Longitude: -159.7908144
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Kommentar 5

  • Andrew Cooper

    Andrew Cooper


    Great place nice people

  • Franky O'Connor

    Franky O'Connor


    Good coffee and food is great value for money. Lots of tasty options with bagels. Had a lovely long chat with one of the owners.

  • Sally Smith

    Sally Smith


    Fantastic fresh salads and food! Fabulous breakfast. Friendly staff and a great place to get a great cappuccino

  • Keith Eades

    Keith Eades


    This is a roadside café is quite small, but has outside tables available. We had a very good brunch and local produced coffee. I did spot a huge slice of mars bar cheesecake, but I could not find space for it. It can get quite busy being opposite the local shops and next to one of the hotels. Staff were friendly and patient as we needed time to make our selection. So looking forward to trying more options on their menu.

  • Brenda L

    Brenda L


    Super fresh ingredients, and a very chilled ambiance. Highly recommended!

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