Cafe Salsa i Avarua District

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Ara Tapu, Avarua District, Tutakimoa Tapere, CK Wyspy Cooka
Kontakter telefon: +682 22 215
Latitude: -21.2062527, Longitude: -159.7764363
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Kommentar 5

  • Leece Weston-Webb

    Leece Weston-Webb


    Visited twice in a group of 4. Food & drinks were outstanding. Unable to fault. Prices reasonable, staff attentive. Highly recommended.

  • Henry Ocean

    Henry Ocean


    Excellent coffee & wonderful food in a beautiful location. Friendly and cheerful staff too!

  • Belles Greig

    Belles Greig


    Lovely cafe in town Avarua next to CITC. This is one of the fav stops when visiting town. Meat lovers pizza, coconut pancakes with grilled banana, bacon and lots of maple syrup. Another fav is Gone Fishing, smoked marlin on bed of yummy buttery potatoes, onion and tomatoes, poached egg and hollandaise! Fav drinks has to be iced coffee with scope of ice cream and tall lime thickshake. I think prices are reasonable considering you pay for the same in NZ. Give it go !

  • Rodrigo Rüttimann

    Rodrigo Rüttimann


    Angenehme offene Atmosphäre, freundliche Bedienung, sehr gutes Essen!

  • Chris Rapson

    Chris Rapson


    The margherita pizza was just cheese on bread. We could barely taste tomato or basil. The ika mata wasn't the amazing island delicacy I was hoping for based on other travellers' recommendations. We did enjoy the fresh coconut.

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