Cafe Jireh i Avarua District

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Avarua District, Cook Islands
Kontakter telefon: +682
Latitude: -21.1993723, Longitude: -159.7986944
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Kommentar 5

  • Melanie C

    Melanie C


    Custard squares total disappointment, no taste at all.

  • Peter Kinley

    Peter Kinley


    A very familiar cuisine for kiwis, it's pretty much a good NZ bakery but in the Cook Islands. If you're from NZ and are hungering for a little taste of home then this is the place to go. The proprietors are kiwis and are very personable. The food is good and inexpensive. It is conveniently located right across the road from the airport terminal and also right next to the beach. Alternatively, if you want to understand what a pie is, this is a great place to learn.

  • Dirk Thiele

    Dirk Thiele


    Nice place for a quick bite to eat but the selection is not too large.

  • Franky O'Connor

    Franky O'Connor


    Good servings and nice eggs but just sliced white bread. Coffee mediocre.

  • Søren Ørts

    Søren Ørts


    Very nice café just opposite the airport. We stayed for a couple of hours while waiting for our plane. They have a good selection of cakes, food and drinks. Service was really good. The breeze from the ocean made it nice to sit outside on the patio. We can recomend to visit.

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