BT Rentals i Arorangi District

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Ara Tapu, Arorangi District, CK Cook Islands
Kontakter telefon: +682 23 586
Latitude: -21.2252818, Longitude: -159.8282547
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Kommentar 5

  • Ben K

    Ben K


    Visited last year, Brendan was an awesome guy and was very informative and thorough when explaining the scooters. Very well looked after and pretty cheap too! Would definitely rent here again when I return.

  • Ryan Phillips

    Ryan Phillips


    Brendan is a good dude! The scooters were all in good shape and the pricing was clear and up front. I stopped by to extend my rental and he made it quick and easy. Make Brendan your go-to guy for Scooter rentals on Rarotonga! Trixie the cat is great and helpful also!

  • Kate Holland

    Kate Holland


    Brendan is such a good guy and made sure we had a great stay in Rarotonga. His scooters are all new, very well looked after and in a lot better condition than any of the other scooters we saw on the island. Highly recommend BT rentals - thanks Brendan!

  • Venessa Breen

    Venessa Breen


    Brendan the owner of BT Rentals is very friendly and the rental prices for his automatic scooters are so cheap! My friends and I always book his scooters, when we visit Rarotonga! He seems to be the most reliable local business owner we have dealt with.

  • David Millar

    David Millar


    Brendan is a great guy. He has possibly the only gear bike on the island, a CB125E 2015. It was awesome and was the same price as the scooters. I wish him all the best and will be back to his place next time I get over there.

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