Adventure Cook Islands Ltd i Rarotonga

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

Kavera Beach, Arorangi, Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Kontakter telefon: +682 22 212
Latitude: -21.249997, Longitude: -159.822227
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Kommentar 5

  • Richard Lutz

    Richard Lutz


    The crew is cool and professional. And Sean, no, 24° water temperature is not winter 😂😂

  • Melissa Ransom

    Melissa Ransom


    Patrick was a great dive instructor! Really enjoyed our time with him and was totally comfortable! Highly recommend!!

  • Alasdair Johnston

    Alasdair Johnston


    Great place to hire a scooter. Knowledgable and called the Police to check if my NZ 6L (motorcycle learners) would translate into a full motorcycle in Raro. Saved me $70 by doing so! Great scooters at a fair price with friendly and funny service.

  • Ted Jewett

    Ted Jewett


    Over the last 2 years I have dived with them and can advise they are one of the best teams in the Pacific, local knowledge of the area and ocean species makes for a splendid dive !

  • Ric Mountford

    Ric Mountford


    Most impressed with the service from Patrick on snorkelling trip to outer reef. Other participants had cancelled but Patrick ensured I got my dive in. Very helpful, informative, and felt totally safe during the dive. Would highly recommend to all, especially the inexperienced divers. Hope I get to return there....Ric from Melbourne , Australia

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